The Himalayas, stretching 3,200 kilometers along India’s northern frontiers, cradle numerous rivers which drain them all year round. This abundance of mountain rivers makes India a world class whitewater destination‚ with plenty of first-descent and exploratory possibilities.
Zanskar Whitewater Kayaking & Rafting
Set deep in Ladahk (in India's North West territories) this trip takes you down the extremely desolate, remote and sheer Zanskar gorge until it's confluence with the mighty Indus. Undoubtedly a classic, this journey to the last truly lost horizon of our shrinking planet - Zanskar, the "land of white copper” is a trip of a lifetime.
Brahmaputra Raft & Kayak Expedition
The Brahmaputra expedition is an exciting journey down one of the world's greatest rivers, an expedition for the true adventurer.
India Facts
Average Daily Temp °C (Srinagar)

Precipitation in mm (Srinagar)
Capital: New Delhi
Language: Hindi
Currency: Indian Rupee
Exchange Rate:
Time difference: GMT +5.5
Population: 1.095,352,000
Area: 1,269,3455 sq miles
Pop density: 809 (persons per sq mile)