The rich culture and diversity of Morocco is intoxicating. With lush river valleys, dramatic gorges and wide expanses of desert, it is a little adventure haven right on our doorstep and the perfect setting to escape the cold British winter.
Exhilarating rapids, crystal clear water and magnificent mountain scenery - this is a land full of serious fun! With ample chance to enjoy the charms of the imperial city of Marrakech, some retail therapy in the multi-coloured market souks, a Moroccan Hammam massage and perhaps a visit to the Sahara, you will see for yourself the hidden treasures of Morocco.
Morocco Kayaking
A magnificent setting for those wishing to shake off the winter blues and paddle in a warm country, experiencing what this amazing place has to offer.
Morocco Rafting
What better way to start your year than with an amazing rafting journey through this gem of an African country
Morocco Kayak School
Why not rise to the challenge this year and learn to kayak or brush up on existing skills? Leave the cold swims behind and lets go and roll in the sun!
Morocco Facts
Average Daily Temp °C (Marrakech)

Rainfall in mm (Marrakech)
Capital: Rabat
Language: Arabic, Berberdialects, French, Spanish
Note: French is spoken in most tourist areas
Currency: Dirham
Exchange Rate:
Time difference: GMT+/-0, BST-1
Population: 30,900,000
Area: 172,414 sq miles
Pop density: 179 (persons per sq mile)