The beauty of the Grand Canyon carved through the stunning rocks of the Colorado Plateau is overwhelming. With its ever-changing display of colours, it stretches nearly 280 miles from end to end, descending 6,000 feet at its deepest point to the magnificent Colorado River beneath. Don’t just view it, experience it and leave with a memory that will stay engraved in your mind for years to come.
The Grand Canyon - Rafting/Kayaking
If you want to experience the most breathtaking and magnificent river journey in the world, then this is the trip for you!
America Facts
Average Daily Temp °C (Las Vegas)

Precipitation in mm (Las Vegas)
Capital: Washington DC
Language: English
Currency: US Dollar
Exchange Rate:
Time difference: Eastern time: GMT -5
Central time GMT -6
Mountain time GMT -7
Pacific standard GMT -8
Population: 288,368,000
Area: 3,679,185 sq miles
Pop density: 78 (persons per sq mile)