
A land of stunning natural beauty, with glacial mountains, fast flowing rivers, rain forests and long deserted beaches – no wonder it is described by many as the ultimate kayaking destination.
A Kayaker's Paradise - Heliboating in New Zealand
If you're looking for fast flowing, adrenalin pumping whitewater then look no further. Welcome to New Zealand, a kayaker's paradise!
The people of New Zealand speak freely of a 'right to adventure' and they're definitely not wrong. As a grade III+/IV- paddler you will be like a child in a sweet shop with a multitude of amazing rivers just screaming to be run within this stunningly beautiful land. From the blinding free-flowing run through the Buller Gorge to heli-boating on the West Coast, this trip is one of the very best. And with the accompaniment of some of the world’s best kayakers it is certainly a trip not to be missed. Prepare to surpass your expectations! More...
New Zealand Facts
Average Daily Temp °C (Christchurch)

Precipitation in mm (Christchurch)
Capital: Wellington
Language: English
Currency: New Zealand Dollar
Exchange Rate:
Time difference: GMT +12
Population: 3,938,000
Area: 104,454 sq miles
Pop density: 38 (persons per sq mile)