Away from the hustle and bustle of Australia's main tourist traps we run a trip on Australia's southern island, Tasmania. Set in the heart of Tasmania's Wilderness World Heritage Area you will be amazed at the natural beauty of this place
Rafting the Franklin River, Tasmania
This 12 day rafting adventure takes you the full navigable length of the Franklin River, deep in the heart of Tasmania's Wilderness World Heritage Area. Our journey includes a day's walk to the imposing Frenchman's Cap, the monarch of the south west, as well as rafting through one of Tasmania's most spectacular gorges...
Australia Facts
Average Daily Temp °C (Hobart)

Precipitation in mm (Hobart)
Capital: Canberra
Language: English
Currency: Australian Dollar
Exchange Rate: £1:2.31AUD, 1:1.66AUD, $1:1.29AUD
Time difference: GMT +8/10
Population: 19,693,000
Area: 2,976,907 sq miles
Pop density: 7 (persons per sq mile)